~Drum roll please~
As of May 16th I officially became an ASU nursing student. It's hard for me to believe I only have two more weeks left of my first semester. It's been a crazy journey so far; intense, no life/no sleep, and believe it or not, FUN! I've already learned so much. I've met the most amazing people (I will explain some of them along with the pictures), they are my savior, and my strength. If it wasn't for the friends I have made, there is no way I would still be standing. This program is like no other and even though I knew it would be hard, I never fully grasped the reality of it (kinda like having a kid, you don't really know until you have one, so I wouldn't expect anyone to fully understand my intense schedule).
But in case you want to try...
Here is my weekly schedule... Monday I wake up around 4:30am, do school work for about an hour, get ready, head out the door by 6:30am, head to school, first class is 3 hours long, then a one hour lunch, and then off to another 3 hour class, then headed for home (typically there is a group project to do and we all stay), I head home, eat dinner, then do school work, usually until 12-2am... Tuesday we have labs ALL day (repeat of 4:30am wake up, and coming home to eat and then school work all night). Wednesday is our longest day of the week (pharmacology for 4 hours, and then Nursing Attributes for 4 hours), it's a KILLER (same wake up time, and same routine when I get home)! Thursdays are our clinical/community days. I'm usually in Mesa or Tempe on these days, but next semester I will be on this side of town (same wake up time, and same routine when I come home). And then finally, FRIDAY, we only go half the day, one class :-). However, we typically, (AGAIN) have group work to get done which requires us to stay. Friday I try not to touch any school stuff when I get home, but that is usually impossible, because I would fall FAR behind. Saturday and Sunday guess what I do?! SCHOOL WORK!!! I hope you get the idea now-HA!!
Here's a fun article to read relating to the life of nursing students, we often are looking for a good laugh...
I also wanted to mention that I was chosen to be on the CCNS, College Council of Nursing Students, which is a great honor. We run fundraisers, join walks, help with events on campus, volunteer work, etc. We host parties. Most importantly we are a voice for our class.
If you are wondering what keeps me awake, these are a must DAILY!

My pictures are way out of order since I started this post over a month ago!
We have experienced soooo much, and there are so many things I would love to share (pictures and stories), but I can't because of HIPAA laws. Just know that my heart is forever changed. I'm so fortunate to be in this position, even though I may complain from time to time I couldn't be happier.
Lab days :-)
I couldn't miss the opportunity to capture our first injections...
Mia, my partner in crime, my boo, my BFF in school, was getting ready to stab me!

Team work!!

She's "blessing my butt"

This is actually our second stab of the day.

My turn :-)

I love Mia's face here!

Just not here. Don't worry I did not hurt her!

Oscar and I with part of our preschool project.

Fun times in the community, with a bunch of 3 to 5 year olds.

I promise I was excited to give the kids their certificates!

In my cohort there are 70 students total. All 70 of us meet for our theory class work, and then on lab days and clinical days we are divided up into learning communities of 10 students per community.
This is part of my community (just the girls), and our FOR (faculty of record), Linda. Our learning communities change every semester :-(. Just a few more weeks left with these ladies!!

These pictures were taken at the preschool we spent time at.

Here's a whole group shot!!

We also spent time at a retirement community.
Ivy (in pic below) and I got to know one very special volunteer in the 4 weeks we spent there.
We created a wellness plan for our well elder.
I would tell you more, but I can't.

We spent a lot of time at Oregano's in Mesa, between clinicals.

Zack and Janis (love them)

Shorty Mia and Anna Banana (my favorite girls)

Ivy and I (love her too, and I am happy she's in my learning community next semester as well)

And this is in the VERY BEGINNING of it all. After my very first day of classes, there was a pinning ceremony, known as "The Lighting of the Lamp". We were able to invite friends and family to honor the beginning of our success. The ceremony was powerful, emotional, and fun. We had a few good speakers (including the dean), an amazing video that brought tears to many, and a pinning, along with lighting the lamp in honor of Florence Nightingale.
I was so lucky to be surrounded by friends and family this evening.
Thank you so much!!
Here I am getting called on stage.

Jearel was told to get lots of pictures...

The lamp symbolizing Florence Nightingale.

Jeremy and I
(My (and Jearel's) dear friend, who is such a great support)

Sarah, Camille, and Vanessa
(these girls are my best friends, my everything)

The dean gave an amazing speech about how nursing school is going to be tough and we must handle it "one bite at a time". He posted this picture on the projector screen, symbolizing nursing school as the carrots and the bunny as the students (how overwhelmed we will feel). "Just one bite at a time"... We all got this to take home!

My Auntie Suzy and cousin Candy
(I have the best family)

My biggest support and my hardest struggle, they both see me at my worst and have to put up with me. I know there are times Jearel does not know what to say or do, but he is always there for me and I can't thank him enough for that! Jayla is my biggest motivator, even though she constantly says "mommy don't go to school anymore". It breaks my heart!!

The celebration continued with a yummy dinner and of course great company!

Love these boys!

Jearel's dad, step-mom, and sister.

Jayla and Avery playing

I like to say this is half of the crazy, fun mess I got myself into ;-)

Again, (out of order), lunches at Oregano's!!

Now you know about my insanity and where I've been...
The Garrett's have a lot to share too. I hope to get a few more posts up soon!