So we are getting ready to leave on Wednesday for Branson Missouri to visit my parents. This will be Jay's first time on a plane and the first time she will be meeting her Grandpa Skorstad! This will also be the first time in 7 years that I get to share in Christmas with my parents. It has been way too long!!! My sister and her family live in Bloomington Illinois and are making the 7 hour drive down to my parents as well (here's to crossing my fingers for good weather so they can acutally make it). I am so excited to see everyone and for Jayla to meet her cousins Erin and Tyler!
It has been a hectic couple of weeks trying to get all the holiday shopping done, get ready for my finals for school, and also getting ready to leave. I hate to fly so mentally I have to prepare for this months in advance. It doesn't make it any easier being a mommy and now having to worry about a child. Poor Jearel, every time we fly he ends up with bruises on his arms when we hit turbulence.
~On to the helping mommy pack-
Jayla was so cute sitting on the floor as I get all her stuff together in the suitcase. She was really trying to help even though she has no clue what is happening. I bought this hat for the COLD, COLD weather we are heading to. Mind you the size is 3T (she has an extremely large head). She wore it for most of the time we were packing until I went to grab the camera. I still can't stop laughing at how cute she is in it!!