This is one of her many funny faces. She is so full of personality!! She keeps us laughing everyday!

She loves to pretend like she is reading you a book even when you are trying to read to her!
Jayla turned 8 months on Sun Oct. 12!! I still can't believe it. Time has flown by and I feel like my baby is growing up way too fast. She loves to sing (well we think that is what she is trying to do). She is trying so hard to crawl, but for the time being she rolls around everywhere to get to where she wants to be. She LOVES, LOVES the dogs. She laughs and laughs whenever they are near. She can wave HI and BYE. It's the cutest thing ever!! She says Dada and Mama. We are not quite sure if she is just saying it or really knows what it means. She also mumbles baba & CC (which is what we call one of our dogs) and we think she says HI, but it's more like HHHHHA.
Most importantly she finally out grew her Reflux. We couldn't be any happier that she is no longer in pain. We all finally can sleep through the night in peace.
It is crazy how fast things change from our little bundle of joy to a our wild baby that brings us so much love and laughter!