*WARNING, Picture overload*
(Thanks Jenni!! We love you.)
Christmas is my favorite time of year and even though my family (sister, mom, and dad) live so far, I try to make the best out of it. It is never quite the same with out them around.
Jearel has a huge family and there is always something going on every weekend, in December, leading up to Christmas. His family is amazing and so much fun. I am a very lucky girl :)
Christmas Eve we headed over to his Uncle Doyle's house. Tyler, Jearel's little brother, got leave from the Army, to come home for the holidays. It was good to see him and good to know that Jayla didn't miss a beat while he was gone. Ever since Jay was born, she had this special bond with Uncle Ty, maybe because he is a big kid himself ;). I know she loved having him home just as much as we did.
Jay and her Uncle Ty

Jayla cruised around the house on her cousin's quad (dress and all).

Auntie Amanda, helping Jay.

Jayla and her Papa (Jearel's dad)

Our attempt for a family photo (this is usually Jayla's reaction)
Every year it is a Christmas tradition for Jearel's mom and step dad to come over Christmas morning for breakfast. This year they headed over EXTRA early since Jayla is an early riser and we knew she was ready to open her presents. We talked about Santa coming all month long and how he would leave presents, for her, under the tree. This what she would tell us "Anta presents. Happy to you." Can you tell she has been to A LOT of birthday parties?!
Christmas morning she had the biggest surprised look on her face when she discovered all of the presents under the tree. Maybe next year she will stop saying "Happy to you".
Grandpa Riley warming Jay up to the present opening!

Elmo was a big hit- Thanks Grandpa and Grandma Riley.

She is a huge fan of her new PJ's (Can you tell- HA)

More presents!!

Santa sure spoiled Jay. I know I keep saying this, but we really do need a bigger house just to store all of Jay's toys.

One more present, found out back, from Grandma and Grandpa Riley. Jay's very own sandbox, screw Elmo, she is IN LOVE with this. This is not a surprise to us since she LIVES outside.

We even had a nice surprise from Grandma and Grandpa Riley. They came over on Christmas eve, while we were gone, to put up Jay's sandbox and this Chiminah (sp?).
Thank you, we love it!!!!

Every year I get an ornament, (or two) personalized, of our family, to add to our tree. My mom actually did this for us when we were growing up, so I carried on the tradition with Jearel. There has not been a year missed, even the year I was on bed rest for my pregnancy, Jearel surprised me with ornaments. This has become so important to the both of us. When I went to pick up the ornament for this year, I realized this was the first year since we have been together that Syndey's name would not be added to the ornament. I just couldn't leave her out, she will always be a huge part of our family, even though she is not with us anymore. I bought an extra ornament, for Jearel to open, personalized just for Syndey.
Jearel getting his ornament.

Sydney, we miss you!

Breakfast time! Kenny, a good friend of Phyllis and Larry's joined us for Christmas morning too.
Hopefully he will continue to come share in this tradition with us!

Jayla and one of her new presents from Santa.

Grandpa had the honors of putting together this tent and then Jayla had to make sure he played inside with her.

And Grandma had to join too!

Silly girls!

We almost forgot about Jayla's stocking.

Jayla dumping out her stocking to find all the goodies.

Our precious Maggie.

Later that morning my borther and his two oldest boys came over. We had presents to open from my mom and dad and boy did they sure spoil their grandkids. They got a ton of new clothes. ~Thank you so much mom and dad!! Maybe next year we can convince you to come on the plane for a present ;)~

Jayla sporting her new "Dacket" from her Grandma and Grandpa Skorstad. She couldn't wait to put it on, isn't it adorable?!

After we finished up presents at our house, we headed over to Nana and Papa's house (Jearel's dad and step mom). They had more and more presents for Jay.
She loves her new "baby doll" and "stroller".
~Thank you Nana and Papa~

She even got her first book of Bible stories. I'm pretty excited for this one too. Jayla and I can both learn the stories from the Bible together :)!!

Jay having fun with her stroller.

AJ (my handsome little nephew)

Cameron (my other handsome nephew)

The boys sporting their new shirts from Grandma and Grandpa Skorstad!

After we left Jearel's dad's house, my brother, AJ, Cameron and us, headed up to Sedona for the night. My cousin Candy rented a house for the week. We couldn't wait to get there and see the place. Candy talked about it and it's beauty and her words didn't even do it justice. This place was more than gorgeous. It was a 4000 sq ft house, with a guest house, with nothing but views of the beautiful Sedona red mountains, at every angle.
~Thank you Candy for doing this for our family. We may have to continue this from time to time and of course make the stay on us next time :) We had the best time and having you guys around for the holidays brings me closer to my parents and how Christmas is suppose to feel. We love you!!~
Jayla enjoying some more presents from my Auntie Suzy and Uncle Phil.
~Thank you, XO~

Our breathtaking views from the deck.

Jayla is a Pro at daddy's iphone. Everyone was so impressed that a soon-to-be 2 year old knew how to work all the apps on daddy's phone. She even has games daddy uploaded for her to play. She is one smart cookie :)

Tom (Candy's boyfriend), Candy, and Jearel. Look at the views from the living room.

My cousin, Candy and I

My cousin, Kim and I. I got this puzzle in less than a second. Yes I have done it before, but everyone was shocked and apparently had been trying it all week.

So I had to teach them (my Uncle Phil and Kim) the secret.

Dinner time and boy was it YUMMY. Thank you Auntie Suzy and Candy for all the great food!

After dinner we headed out to see the Red Rock Fastasy. My brother and I have been several times growing up. It is beautiful and I suggest that everyone should make the trip to Sedona to see the xmas lights they display.

Jayla was all bundled up. It was MORE than COLD!

She loved seeing all the lights, especially this princess (such a girly, girl).

Daddy and Jay, making a pit stop in this warm tent, serving hot cocoa.

Jayla and her Auntie Kim

Carriage rides and all!!

Jayla loved seeing the "horsey"

Jayla loves her cousins and follows their every move. It is so cute!


My beautiful family, Uncle Phil, Auntie Suzy (my mom's sister), and my cousins, Kim and Candy.

They love having Jayla around :)

My favorite picture, these two melt my heart!! Jearel is the best daddy out there!

My brother, Adam, and his boys.

Jayla the moring after Christmas, getting ready for some breakfast!

GORGEOUS!!! We had a hard time leaving.

I got pictures of everyroom, but here are a few to share.
The family/living room.

The kitchen. There were two refrigerators, two dishwashers and look at that range/oven!!

Jayla and daddy reading a magazine.

Jayla snuggling her Auntie Candy.

~Thank you soooooo much, again to Candy for inviting us to come stay with you guys. We had a blast.~
~Also thanks again to everyone who made our Christmas AMAZING! We are so lucky to have great family and friends.~