Sunday, July 26, 2009

Back to School...

... Not for me anyways but for Mrs. Roseland (Jenni). She is an eighth grade teacher and heads back to work on Monday. We definitely had a very fun summer together. Even though we won't see them almost everyday, I know we will still see them on the weekends.

Here is how we spent our last day of our summer vacation together...

Jenni is growing out her hair, or at least trying to. She's said this many of times before. I personally love her hair and would trade her in a heart-beat. Her hair always looks so cute. But I of all people knows how hard it is to grow your hair out. I've had my hair short a few times before. There is always this awkward stage (which makes you want to just cut it off again).
I decided to teach Jenni some fun ways to change up her hair as she is growing it out. I got inspired by Randi's hair from, So You Think You Can Dance.

After the Little Gym Class we headed back to my house to put the girls down for their naps and got started on the hair make-over. Like Jenni would say, we played around like we were 13 years old again. I showed her how to curl her hair by using a flat iron (my personal favorite thanks to my cousin). I even added a french braid to her bangs, since they were not cooperating with the style.
Kyan (4 year old photographer) snapped a few pictures of us in action.

I think it turned out so cute. ~Jenni I know you can re-create this~

After Jayla woke up from her nap we decided to go put our feet in the pool. This all started because Kyan wanted a Go-Gurt, which I freeze for Jay so it is less messy. Jenni didn't want Kyan to make a mess in my house so we headed outside. Well I ended up having to strip Jay down naked because she couldn't just have her feet in the water. We take her swimming naked all the time. She doesn't have much patience when it comes to changing into her swim suit. This is fine by us, but we are always worried she might "drop the dues" (as Jearel would say). She is normally a regular morning pooper, but with all her molars coming in it has gotten pretty messy. Jenni headed inside to change into her swim suit after we all got the chance to put ours on (Jay stayed naked). Well sure enough Jayla pooped. At first I thought it was a stick in the pool. Then I realized right before I grabbed it, it was POO. I screamed at Kyan to get out of the water. I threw both Kyan and Jayla on the other side of the pool fence and ran to turn the pool cleaner on. Then hopped back into the pool to start cleaning it out.

Here is what Jenni walked out to....

Kyan and naked Jayla on one side of the fence standing there staring at me.
The Pooper (like Jenni would say)
And me (the scooper) on the other side of the fence trying to get every last bit of poo out of the water.

We were all laughing so hard.

I couldn't stop gagging. This was a dirty job. Never again will Jayla swim naked. Warning to all parents, it is SOOOO GROSS. ~Thank you Jenni for a summer full of so much fun! We love you guys so much. I'm glad that our last day was one sure to remember.~

Monday, July 20, 2009

Kingston's Here!!!

We have a new family member. Chris and Raven Garrett finally welcomed their baby boy, Kingston, on Friday. After a very long day he made his arrival at 11:38 PM. Weighing in at 7 lbs 12 oz and 21 inches long. We got the opportunity to meet Kingston yesterday. He is such a handsome little guy. Jearel and I both laughed when it came to holding him, we were a little apprehensive at first. You forget how tiny and fragile newborns are.

Baby Kingston
Uncle Jearel holding his adorable new nephew.

This picture is a bit blurry but this was Jayla throwing a fit. She was VERY jealous of her dada holding the baby.

Thank you to Chris and Raven for letting us come visit. We know how tired and overwhelming it can be as new parents. If you need anything please don't hesitate to ask. We love you and congrats!!! Welcome to the parent club :)!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Candis and Camden Came Out to Play

Friday morning's are Jay-Lo's little gym class. The class is for babies 10 months to 19 months old. I decided to invite Candis and Camden to join in for a free trial class. It would be nice to see them join us more often, but it is such a far drive for the girls. Little Cam bug did so good. She seems to have the same free spirit that Jay does. She loved running around and doing her own thing.

Camden doing a back roll with the help of her mama, Candis
Lola and mama, Jenni.

Camden moving to her own groove

Lola is the teacher's pet. She always goes and sits on her lap during song time.
Every Friday we do something new. This was the bouncy thing where we helped with "jumping skills"
Thanks to Jenni's photography skills, she captured all three girls together. Most of the time we were all in separate areas of the little gym.
Jayla's favorite time is ball time. She may be the only kid who refuses to put the balls away when we are all done.
After the little gym, Jenni and Candis decided they wanted to come over and swim. We picked up some Paradise Bakery on the way home, put all 3 girls down for a nap, and enjoyed some R&R in the pool. We got about 2 hours of just mommy time and Kyan time.
Kyan is only 4 years old and took this great picture of us girls. Great job buddy!!

Jayla and Camden woke up from there naps and joined us in the pool.

I love this picture of Jayla, it really shows how white her hair is.
She's our little blond beauty!
She is crazy in our pool and loves to be thrown around!
She thinks she can swim all on her own. This is exactly why I loved our 2 hours of NO babies in the pool. Jayla wears me out.
After pool time I got the opportunity to see Jenni's new house. They just found out while we were swimming that their offer had been accepted. The house like a castle. It is so beautiful and HUGE. I know I keep saying this, but I can't wait for the slumber parties at the Roseland pad!!
Thank you girls (and Kyan), for a VERY fun day!! My door is always open, so please feel free to come join us again.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Watch Out Boys....

She's got the look... and the ATTITUDE!!
How can you resist that face?!
Yes this is why she gets whatever she wants.

Monday, July 13, 2009

A Party For Camden

Saturday we headed to the Creel's house for Camden's first birthday party.
It is so hard to believe that Camden is already one. Our baby girls are growing up way too fast.
~Thanks again to Jenni the photographer~
The Creel family: Michael, Candis, and the birthday girl, Camden
This is my favorite picture of beautiful Camden.
Party in the Creel pool

Camden got some really great presents, including this doggie from us. She really wants a real puppy but this was close enough. It barks, pants, and wags it's tail. She LOVED it!
Jayla was a party pooper when we first arrived.

Camden's dolly and a little (yummy) cake seemed to cheer her up!

Thank you Creel's for the invite. Camden is such a sweet heart!! It was good to see everyone. Thank you Camille and Jenni for letting me steal pictures. And again thank you Aunti Jenni for all the adorable photo's of Jay.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Little Gym

Jayla is officially a member of the "Birds" at the little gym. Her mama was dragging butt to get her signed up after the trial class. We joined Miss Lo this past Friday and more Friday's to come. We are also hoping Lola will join us in play time on Mondays and Thursdays. I know it will be hard considering it is in the middle of their naps.

Jayla had a great time not following directions and doing her own thing. I on the other hand, got embarrassed that Jayla is the only baby running around while her mama sits in the circle, ALONE. I tried several times to bring her back to the circle, but that only brought on a screaming fit. I'm trying to convince daddy to take a Friday morning off so he can witness the chaos. My only rational excuse is that other babies have been doing this for awhile and in no time Jay will be a good little bird. Here's to hoping it is money well spent to teaching Jayla some structure in her life. Wish me luck ;).

Waiting for class to start.
Her favorite time is "exploration time" but then again she does this the whole time we are there!

Jay-Lo in the big circle!
After class, it's stamp time.
Jayla had stamps all over by the time we left. She followed these directions good.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Play time with Daddy...aka Jear-Bear

Making her daddy proud. She is becoming quite the little professional quad rider.
She insisted on taking her doll for a ride and then was trying to teach her how to drive it!!

Jear Bear, Pooh Bear, Little Bear and of course Jay Bear.

She had to go round up all her bears and dolls and set them in daddy's lap.
She likes to boss her daddy around.
Play Jay's way or hit the high way.
Blowing mama kisses.
Jayla is full of so much personality. I love watching her creative mind go to work.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Baby Brody

Jayla and I met up with my brother, Adam, and his baby boy, Brody. He is not much of a baby anymore and more like a monster. We haven't got to spend much time with him since he was born, but then again neither does my brother. This was the first time he has seen him in 3 weeks, in which he got only 1 hour with him. My brother is going through a divorce. Brody's mom just chooses to keep him from seeing his dad. There are no court orders keeping him from my brother. The trial date is sometime in October, where my brother is going for joint custody.

Those of you who know Adam, knows how great of a dad he is. He has two older boys, 8 & 9, from a previous relationship. They are his world and there isn't anything he wouldn't do for them. I just can't quite get how someone could keep a child from seeing their dad. I understand that brake-ups are hard enough. I just don't feel like that is a justifiable reason to punish a child for it. Not only is Brody missing out on a wonderful relationship with his dad, he is also missing out on a relationship with his two older brothers. I know Brody loves spending time with his dad. He was such a happy little clam yesterday. Watching the two of the together is the cutest thing ever. You can just see the love pouring out of each others eyes. Even though Brody is only 10 months old, I know he knows Adam is daddy.

Adam and Brody
He loved the riding on the merry-go-round.

Jay was not a happy camper when I took her off the ride.
Almost walking.
He loves his daddy.
Brody shared his food with Jay.

~Thank you Adam for letting us spend sometime with your little man. He is so cute!!~