This one is my favorite!!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
A Girls Night Out...
This one is my favorite!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Time To Pack Up My Backpack
Yep it is back to school I go! Jayla and I had a very fun summer together. She is looking forward to getting back to her Grandma's houses and I am ready to get to work. I went to visit with an ASU academic advisor over the summer to start the process of transferring over to their Upper Division Nursing program. Thanks to a very good friend of mine, Nicole, who gave me a boost in that direction. If all goes well I will be in the nursing program Spring of 2011. It seems so far away but it is actually faster to get your BSN, than just your RN at a community college (the wait list is 1 1/2 years). I will be attending GCC one last semester and it's off to ASU to finish my pre-req's. Then I will go straight into the upper division nursing program (no waiting). Your grades play a huge roll in who gets in and who doesn't. You can pretty much say if I don't maintain a 4.0 I will not be getting into their program. It is very competitive but I am so ready for the challenge. I have a full load this semester and with the looks of it, lots of homework in my near future. Poor Jearel, I will need to apologize to him ahead of time for what is to come (buckle your seat belt babe)!
And for those of you who are wondering, yes we are still trying for baby #2. Might as well make it more challenging!!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Family BBQ
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Vanessa's an Old Lady
Sleepy Head
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Our Healthy 18 Month Old
Jayla was running around like a wild woman in the waiting area, she was making friends with all the other babies and kids. She also could finally climb on and off all the chairs like a big girl.
Here's our happy little monkey climbing up and down, up and down!!
For those of you who have not seen "the look", here it is!!
As always we were filled with nothing but good news. We have a very healthy little girl and have been very lucky that she has never had a cold, ear infection, flu...etc. Just that UTI. I know we need to count our blessings and knock on some wood.
Jayla's stats:
Weight: 24 lbs 12 oz (55th percentile)- Height: 32 & 1/2 inches(75th percentile) - Head: I forgot, but it was just average!! PHEW, those Garrett's have some big heads!
Jayla with the best pediatrician around, Dr. Cwick. She really loves him as he is always so good to her. Jay also loves all the nurses in the practice. She gets so happy to see them!
We were a bit worried about Jayla's eating habits and hyper-ness, but were reminded that we do have an 18 month old and to not expect anything different. Her doctor was also impressed with her speech, he said what she is doing is expected from a 2 year old (must be because her mama and daddy both talk a lot, HA!).
The best news about this visit is she is done with her immunization shots until she is 4 years old, all we will have to worry about is her yearly flu shot. WAHOOOOO!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
One and a Half Years Old
Here are some of the reasons we think Jay is one smart cookie:
She has been talking for quite sometime and within the past two weeks she can literally repeat everything we say. Time for us to watch those not so good words, if you know what I mean. I still keep a list running of the words she says, but at this point just know she can say just about anything. She is a little parrot, just like her friend Lo. It's about time :).
She even asks for things by saying "pease (please)" to everything. For example: "pease tookie", "pease bee" (her bee crackers), "more pease". It makes it hard to say no when she is saying please!!
She is very good at naming all the different animals and the noises they make.
She can count to 5.
She can point to your eyes, ears, nose, mouth, toes, tootsies (feet), hair and tells you them by name while doing this all on her own.
She loves, LOVES to sing songs. Even though you can't understand the words she is trying to sing, she sings loud and clear while dancing around.
She is even showing signs of being ready for the big potty. She says "pee pee" and runs to the potty and wants to take off her diaper so she can sit on the potty. Nothing has come out yet but it's a start. She also has brought me her diaper a few times with poop in it. I know this sounds gross, but it is not that often that she does not have some sort of bottoms on over her diaper. But when she is just free diapering it, she brings me her poopy diaper so she can get a new one on. Thankfully she doesn't get any poop on her in the process. She also tells me when she has went poo-poo. Usually I smell it on her first and ask her if she went poo-poo and she shakes her head and says "ya".
She is a big fan of saying no and pointing at the same time, this mostly comes out when she is yelling at the dogs. Yes mama and daddy yell at the dogs a lot.
She can also tell you how old she is. All you have to do is ask her and she will point up her one finger with a big smile.
She is very good at helping put away her toys where they belong. No she doesn't do it on her own, but if I ask her to help me clean up she knows right where everything goes. She even does a better job then her daddy ;).
Our favorite thing she does is tells us "I wah u". Her daddy worked on that one for awhile and now she tells us it all on her own. Makes all the tough times as being parents well worth every second. Even though we had know doubts she loved us, it is so sweet to hear the words.
~I know I am missing a lot of what she does, but you guys get the point on how smart Jayla is, or at least her proud parents think so :)~
Saturday, August 1, 2009
A Week With My Family
My brother and his two older boys, AJ and Cameron.
Jayla was having so much fun on the swings.
Jayla trying to get her cousin, Cameron, off her car so she could go for a drive.
Silly girl!!
Jayla saying goodbye to Grandma. They were only able to stay a few days. It is always so hard not having my parents living close to us. I know Jayla loves and misses them so much, gods knows I do too.
Jayla was having fun playing with the "biries".
Jayla had so much fun playing in Erin and Tyler's sandbox. She even asked her daddy to build her one at our house :).
She was singing me a song here. She sings all the time.
Tyler even had to get to work on my sister's hair.
Jearel spent most of his time behind the bar, doing what he does best, mixing us some shots and cocktails :).