First up...
Glendale Community College had a carnival so we decided to take Jayla. So constantly asks to go to school with me, so I saw this as the perfect opportunity. She now thinks I play at the carnival all day. HA! Don't I wish?!
Daddy took Jayla up on the 'Fun Slide' I thought she would freak at the top, but it was not until the 3rd bump, on the way down, that her face expressed a SCARED look (you can see this in the next picture).

Our annual visit to the pumpkin patch with our good friends, and family.
Jayla loved petting all the animals.
Feeding the goats with Auntie Camille
The "baby cow"
Our little BEAUTY!

(she got bit by one shortly after this picture was taken)
"baby piggies"

Miss Avery loved the piggies
A fun, BUMPY, squished, train ride (hopefully next year Jayla will take this ride ALONE).

Jayla and her friends, Lola and Camden.
Our attempts for a group photo. If only you could have been there to see them/us in action.
Jay-Lo share a very special bond and a very special birthday. Jayla just lights up whenever Lola is around. They both laugh and giggle non-stop.
It's the sweetest thing EVER.
Beautiful girls
It was the CUTEST thing. She looks so much like her daddy here, even though I was a bunny at the same age as well. I will have to dig out the pictures and do a comparison later (packed up in moving boxes somewhere).

I feel so lucky to have such close friends (Jenni, Camille, and Candis) who all had little girls close in age. Watching these little girls together gets better and better every year.
Our attempts for a group photo. If only you could have been there to see them/us in action.
(Thanks Jenni for some great ones)

It's the sweetest thing EVER.

The night before Halloween Jayla spent the night with Grandma and Grandpa Riley (Jearel and I both worked). Jearel's mom decided to get out Jearel's old bunny costume (that she made) from when he was Jayla's age and put it on Jayla.
They did a trick-er-treat trial run.
It was the CUTEST thing. She looks so much like her daddy here, even though I was a bunny at the same age as well. I will have to dig out the pictures and do a comparison later (packed up in moving boxes somewhere).