It's was Jay's day, so it was all about her. Yes I know she will never remember, but Mommy will and I had to make sure it was all about her. Thankfully I had no school so it was a very long overdue day of just family bonding time.
First we started the day off with her favorite thing to do, a bath, or what we call it "tubby time"
She was being very patient watching the water fill up. Normally she is trying to climb right in, she somehow figured out how fun it is to beat on the toilet and the edge of the tub. I had a hard time prying her away to get in the water. I remembered to grab the camera and got a ton of cute pictures of my "chubby butt". This is one thing I want to remember forever!

I had to remember to get some pictures of Jay's mohawk for Candis. It only works best while she is in the tub. Yes I know products will do the due too. But I think Jearel would kill me. We do the mohawk every time she gets a bath. Her hair is getting fuller and longer everyday. I am so anxious for her hair to get to the piggy stage.

After "tubby time" we waited for Aunti Camille and Avery to come over so we could head to the biltmore for some make-up and lunch. We had a great time with them. I hoped for pictures but little Miss Avery sleeps A TON.
After lunch we rushed home to get a nap in before her doctor's appointment. ~Note to other new moms~ this was a hard one, I didn't know they got more shots than usual. This was a not fun for Jay, Mommy or Daddy. Next time doctors visits come after her birthday.
Jayla was super excited to see her daddy show up for her doctor's appointment. He works too much and can never come along. Needless to say I let daddy hold Jay's legs for the shots.

Doctor's Visit Stat's:
~she is super healthy, weighing in at 20lbs 11oz, she is 30 inches tall with a 18 1/2 inch head.
she has always been just average with her weight, her height has always been in the 75 percentile and her head off the charts. She is now growing into her head (Thank GOD). Her weight was still average, head now 75 percentile and her height still 75 percentile.
~everything else with Jay is right on tract to where she should be for her age. The doc said we have a smart one on our hands and that her word count was off the charts. Yes Jay has a lot to say like her mama. We always tell the doctor about our little friend, Lo, since she always does things before Jay. This time we mentioned Lo's word count, she's a genius Jenni ;).
~We were also concerned about Jay's 2 teeth situation. Yes she still only has 2 teeth, which she got back over Thanksgiving. We were told not to worry, he felt some teeth poking in on the top and to be thankful she doesn't have them yet. ~More teeth= earlier visits to the dentist and sooner chances for problems~
This made us feel better.
~On another note, Jay is SUPER close to walking. She cruises along all the furniture. She stands all by herself for moments at a time. She also has 2 pretty cool toys with wheels that she holds onto and walks all over the place. They kinda remind me of walkers for old people!
Just my big girl facing forward in her car seat. She was a bit grumpy after those darn shots.
We headed home after the doctors so Jay could finally open some presents. She received a package last week from Grandma and Grandpa Skorstad that she has been dying to open. She knew she had to wait until her actual birthday. I showed her everyday how fun the curly ribbon was to play with, she's getting smarter though and kept trying to rip them open.

I told her we had to read the card first. She was loosing her patience. Gets that from her mommy.

~FINALLY she got her way with them!~

She got spoiled with lots of adorable clothes. Jay's favorite was the shirt with the kitties on it. Thank you so much to Grandma and Grandpa Skorstad. She is always in need of new clothes.
We love you and miss you!! We are also sad you can't be here for this.

We ended the night by taking her to a very special birthday dinner at Bobby Q's. Jearel and I use to work there when it was Bobby Mcgees. We still have lots of close friends managing there. They have GREAT food. Jayla loves their mac and cheese. We have a $50 gift card to use that was given to me from the owner on my last birthday, but every time we go they buy our entire meal and drinks. Thank you so much to Jon, Jason, and Bob for always taking care of us. ~Maybe I can use that gift card for a girls night out!? ~ hint-hint :)~
~This is by far my new favorite picture of Jay and I~

Since Jay has a big birthday cake coming for her party we decided to give her ice cream.
She wasn't a big fan, but it was entertaining to watch her reactions!

Such a happy BIRTHDAY girl!

Our good friend Jon joined us for dinner and Jay made silly faces at him all night. Such a flirt!!

Letting her play outside before her special day comes to an end