Our vacation starts with a part one, which is the version through the Garrett's camera. I'm working on getting the AMAZING pictures from the Roseland's camera. I have some, but waiting on the rest.~~ HINT, HINT~~
We met up with the Roselands Sunday afternoon to start off our vacation. Most of it began with drinks and unpacking, along with hearing of their day at Legoland. Jenni and I then made the trip to the grocery store by foot. We walked several blocks with the wagon, in order to haul the weeks supply of groceries for both families. I think we were the center of attention in and out of the store. We got pointed at a lot (passing several packed bars). We got a kick out of it, as well as a work out. I think the locals were a bit jealous they never thought of the idea.
This was our first night in the hot tub (one of many nights). After we put the kiddo's to bed we met out for some down time and cocktails. I got Jenni hooked on a special drink. She was a lush the rest of the trip!! This is not like her at all.
~Jenni and Chad~

Keep in mind we could see our room from the pool and we peeked in on the kiddos often. This made it nice when they were napping as well. We got to enjoy the heated pool during the naps and the hot tub at bed time.
~Big J and I~

Jayla and Mama on her first morning. I had to put her favorite show on the laptop since our hotel was lacking the Noggin channel.

Disney, Noggin, and a cream cheese mustache, what else could you want?!

Our first of many morning walks down the boardwalk.

It was so beautiful and the weather was perfect. It never got higher than 68.
Jay got bored of her wagon and wanted to walk with us.

Finally time for beach fun!

Jayla became a little tan banana by the end of our vacation. I even think her hair turned more blond, okay more like white.

Jearel was a big kid with Jay, Kyan and Lo. He played in the sand non-stop.

Jay couldn't get enough of her best friend, Lo.

Jearel dug big holes for Kyan to fill with water.

As Jenni would say, he was digging a hole to China. They were pretty big.

I got a ton of these pictures. Something about Jay and her daddy walking hand in hand just melts my heart.

Jayla is such a clean freak, like her mom, that the sand in her toes and hands made her freak out a bit. We had to keep brushing it off. She began to realize she had to deal with it in order to make it to the water, which she of course loved.

After the beach Jearel and I were getting ready for our dinner out with the Roselands. Jayla apparently has no problems entertaining herself, because this is where we found her!!

Jayla was giving Jenni "the look". She is so silly!!

Lola never stops eating!

Both the girls were being so silly at dinner!

~Thank you to the Roseland family for the wonderful dinner at The Flash. They insisted on treating us in honor of Brion (Chad's Dad that just passed from cancer). Brion always treated them here. He was always so much fun to be around, I know we all wished he was their to join us. Thank you Chad, I know this was probably a hard trip for you. We love you!!~
Jayla was being such a goof ball after dinner. I think she was just delirious.

...and so was her mama!

Tuesday we headed to Sea World. This was Jearel and Jayla's first time. We had so much fun even though I would recommend it for kid's a little older than Jay.
These sea otter's were so cute snuggling. Jayla just kept calling them "ISH", her version of fish.

The Happy Garrett's

Mama and her girl.
Jayla and Lo~ there must be something said for girls born on the same day. They kept doing the same thing. It was so cute!!

Getting ready for the dolphin show. We braved it and sat in the splash zone. The Roseland family moved in the very beginning, Kyan was a bit nervous and I am sure Jenni was with her camera. To our surprise we stayed dry. I was kind of bummed!!

They were so cute!! One of the dolphin's name's was Sydney. Jearel and I got a bit teary eyed thinking of our late dog Syd.

The penguins were so cute too!

Jay and Lo had no problems napping at Sea World.

Jay is such a goof ball. I think she wanted to jump in the water with the ray's while everyone else was hesitant on touching them. Gotta love my fearless water girl.

Jayla kept trying to get Lola out of the stroller to come play with her. Lola is just a bit more mellow than Jay.

Jay and Dada petting the star fish.

This was the dolphin encounter area where you could feed and touch them. They weren't letting you feed them this day so they really didn't come up to you, but I was lucky and got a feel.

I think these girls could have stayed here all day.

This is Jay's evil laugh, when she is up to no good. Running away from her mama and not listening!!

We finally made it over to the kid's play area. It was like a minie disney land. I was so impressed. I wish we could have been in this area longer to ride the kiddie rides and play in the water area, but the adults were wore out!! Next time we need to hit up that area first.

Both Jearel and Jay passed out from their long, FUN, day at Sea World!

Another morning walk, this time Jay had a little reading material with her.

This time we headed out on the long pier.

We tryed to capture a family photo but Jay wasn't having it!

Jayla much rather take a daddy picture.

Jayla's highlight of that morning was chasing the pigeons around.
Then she realized that you could see the WA-WA through the floor. Then we couldn't get her to leave the pier. Somehow she thought that was so cool.

After our morning walk she passed out on Daddy.

After Jay woke up from her nap we headed to the Gaslamp district for some shopping and lunch.

We found a cool place to eat, Dick's Last Resort. They were hilarious there. The server's were dicks and tryed embarassing everyone by making them wear these silly bibs.
They must have thought Jenni was the piggiest eater since they tied it around her entire face. She was a trooper and wore it like this almost her entire meal.

The boys and our ice cold 24 oz of canned beer.

I think Jay is starting to get the hang of this, smile for the camera thing!

Jayla was eating a lemon here, which she loves!! This is her sour face.

Another sour face!

Jearel got the piggy bib too, but Jayla was scared of him and had to remove it ASAP.

This girl stood outside the restaurant trying to get people to come inside. The other side of her sign lists the specials and it wasn't until we left that we realized what the back of her sign said. HA! She flashed this to those who ignored her and kept walking. SUPER FUNNY!

We stopped and got Jay some giardelle chocolate. She was screaming for more. Mean while she kept giving us "the look" while eating her chocolate.

After shopping we headed back to the beach.

I think Lola kept trying to do hand stands here. She must have learned that from the little gym.

Jayla kept trying to rip off my top while tickling me.

Silly girl!!

Ahh and then I got a little snuggle time!!

Jenni got some sunggle time from Jay too.

I love this picture of my favorite girls!!

More hole digging for the boys. They dug two big ones this time.

Crazy kiddos in the cold water!!

After the beach we washed off all the sand in the pool! Oopsie!

Jenni and Lola liked the hot tub better!

It was a little too hot for the girls to get all the way in, but they had fun kicking their feet in it.

Jay's dinner that night at Surf Side Sushi.
The next day we made Jay our little bar fly. We had lunch and dinner at two different bars that day. She was such a trooper and it was nice for mama and dada to enjoy some drinks, with out the worry of who's driving since we could walk everywhere.

Both these pictures are my favorite of my beautiful boo. I'm know I might be a bit bias, but she really is the prettiest thing I have ever seen.

She was waving Hi to everyone that walked by the bar.

Eating some yummy celery and wings.

Jayla had to stop a hang with her new furry friend.

I think she was missing her doggies at home.

This was our last morning walk before we headed out for the long drive home.

We had such a great time in San Diego. As much as I wished we could have stayed longer, I was ready to come home. It is funny when you have kid's how much a relaxing vacation, turns into needing another vacation. I'm sure that makes sence to those parents with toddlers. Jearel and I have been lazy bums since we got home, and I have been dreading this post. I knew it would take awhile.
~Thank you to the Roseland family for the invite. We would have never gone with out you guys. Thanks for the great company and showing us the ropes on Pacific Beach as well as including us in on your tradition to Beach Haven Inn. We love you!~