Jayla had a blast, and so did we. She was excellent in the car both ways and for most of the trip, very well behaved. She likes to test mommy and daddy when Grandma and Grandpa are around, I think she knows she can get her way with them. This might have been the most difficult part of the trip (for mommy and daddy). Grandparents are made to spoil right?! I'm not complaining, they even spoil us. We appreciate them more then they will ever know.
Here's how the trip went:
It didn't take Jayla long to make herself feel right at home!

In the mornings we would take long walks down on the bay. Because of the full moon, the water was on high/low tide, so the water would drain almost completely out of the bay and come back in, every six hours. When the water was out you could find some interesting creatures, mostly baby crabs, we even found a baby octopus. Jayla loved everything and even held the crabs in her hand. Here they are looking at the baby crabs...

(Jayla was obsessed with these little handmade Mexican bobble-head toys, she played with them 24-7)
She asked daddy for a "BIG bite". I think she might love La Curva as much as mommy now!
Sugar high!!
Watching the sun set off Jearel's parent's house!
Me and my baby girl, and my crooked teeth (UGH!)
We took Jayla to my favorite breakfast place, Xochies (in Cholla Bay). Jay loved their Mickey Mouse pancakes!!
More walks
Our dogs loved this part of the trip too!

Jayla and her best buddy, Grandpa. She has this sweet little bond with him, it just melts my heart!

Don't mind our hair. We don't do much of getting ready in Mexico. My kind of a lazy trip :). Also, notice how the water barely covers your ankles when the water drains out of the bay. This makes it fun on the walks, not to mention the weather was BEAUTIFUL this weekend.
Finding more creatures!
We spent an afternoon on Sandy Beach. Jayla loves the ocean, I think she has her mother's taste ;). I would pitch a tent and live like a bum, on any ocean, if I could. There is something about the breeze and the sound of the water that just puts me at ease and makes me more than happy!!

Along with sea creatures, we found lady bugs, and Jayla loved having her new friend crawl all over her!
Snack time
Movie time, on the beach, for Jay... You see, I wasn't kidding when I said her Grandparents spoil her. I don't ever remember getting this high-tech on a day at the beach- HA!
Grandpa had a bracelet made for Jay. I love it, especially since we won't find her name on anything unless we have it made.
She didn't want to leave the water and just about took her nap in daddy's arms. Why wouldn't you?!
More Mickey Mouse pancakes, at our favorite breakfast spot!

Jay playing with her Grandpa.
They even napped together. I am not sure who, has who, wrapped around whose fingers, but it is so cute! Moments like this make me really miss my parents as I know she would love them just as much!