Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Audios Amigos

The Garrett's are headed to Mexico!!! It is sad to say that Jearel and I have NOT been down to Mexico since I found out I was pregnant, almost 3 years ago. To many, this may not seem so unusual, but to us this is very strange. Jearel's mom and step dad own a million dollar mansion, located right on the water, so why wouldn't we go all the time? It is kind of like our home away from home, and we have been a little home sick lately. Plus, we (I) finally feel like it is the perfect time to take Jayla. It's time to introduce her to Mr. Fish Taco, and La Curva, and JJ's Cantina, and Fisherman's Wharf... (this list can go on and on). I am so looking forward to our long weekend with nothing but sand in my toes and Dos Equis to keep me cool (oh and did I mention I will be doing homework too?! That's right, I started summer school today. Bad timing huh?!)

This is my in-laws beautiful home (Notice the not so nice home next door).
The upstairs balcony view. LOVE IT!!!!!

Next time any takers???


Jenni said...

So fun!!!! Hope you guys have a great time! Wish we coulda snuck down there with you guys, but you know....the parents are headed into town! Cannot leave their side for anything when they are here! Enjoy the sand in your toes and the everything else that goes along with being in Mexico!!!! Don't study too hard, seriously, it is VACATION!

Call us when you get back!

Anonymous said...

i agree with jenni dont study to hard....relax girl u deserve it....if i didnt have this wedding sunday we would of def been there with u!!!! have fun!!

Candis said...

GEEEEZ, their place looks like something out of the movies! I am so jealous right now, and we would LOVE to join you (maybe when Nixen is a little older, or when we can leave BOTH kiddos behind with Grandma/Grandpa Creel for some quality ADULT time.) I hope you guys have so much fun, and that you don't have to study too much- PLEASE relax, blondie.

Candis said...

I'm open for potty advice, mainly ideas on how to keep it FRESH. We have made SUCH progress over the past 2 days: Yesterday, she went pee on the potty 3 times, and today, she went pee 4 times & 1 poop all on her own!
What do you think about getting a timer, & playing some kind of game that way? Sometimes, she just takes FORRRREVER to go, and it's hard to sit there THAT long.
We'll talk tomorrow....