Sunday, September 14, 2008

The price you pay for being a GIRL!!

After waiting this one out since Jayla was two months old I finally found the courage and support to get Jayla's ears pierced. Just a day after she turned 7 months old we headed to the mall to meet up with Candis, Michael, and baby Camden. Candis has been ready to pierce Camden's ears since the day she was born. Unfortunately she had to wait til after her 2 month shots to get them done. I've been anxiously waiting for a friend to go with Jay and experience this together. We were in hopes that little Lola would have came too, but her mommy is waiting til she can remember the big day. Me, on the other hand, experienced the trauma of a 4 year old niece who remembers it NOT to be such a great day. I figured I would spare the traumatic experience for Jayla's memory in hopes that she would just thank me later for her beautifully pierced ears. She cried for just a bit as we went first and has now, a day later, forgotten all about them. I was a bit surprised that she clearly does not even care when you have to clean them or turn them in the healing process. It's as if she has no clue anything is even in her ears. Camden had her turn second and if you asked me did much better than Jayla!! Both girls where such troopers and look absolutely adorable with their pretty little diamonds sparkling in their ears.

Thank you so much to Candis and Camden for "holding our hands" through this memorable experience!! It was so good to finally meet beautiful Camden!! Jayla can't wait to spend more time with her!!!


Jenni said...

ahhhhh! her ears look great! when lola is ready, jayla will have to go be her support!

Candis said...

Is it bad that I had to laugh at that shot with you smiling while Jayla's crying? It's just so funny/cute/sad ALL at the same time!

What a relief to have that over with, & you're right about the ease of cleaning (she couldn't care less today!)

We are very happy to have Jayla & Lola for Camden to grow up with, and I think we have many fun times ahead together! Let's plan another outing that's LESS painful for the gilrs. : )