Jay hanging with her Great Uncle Phil

She loves watching her cousins AJ and Cameron play cards!!

Playing with Aunti Candy and Tammy (the doll)

Just relaxing with her Uncle Adam

Swinging with her Great Aunti Suzy

She would have loved it more if it wasn't so cold outside

Hanging at the park

Saying goodbye to her Uncle Tyler

She loves her daddy and Grandpa Garrett (Jearel's Dad)

Lovin on Grandpa

Lovin Grandma Garrett too!

Still working on walking with daddy!!
First off we started our Thanksgiving morning finding Jayla's second tooth poppin up. One popped out just the day before and now two. We are so excited to see the adorable bottom teeffers. Especially because have been in love with Lola's for quite some time. She has been a little crabby, but who can blame her! OUCH! We will try and post some pictures as soon as we can get that tongue to corporate!
On another note...
We had a great turkey day, both at Grandpa and Grandma Garrett's house and my Aunti Suzy and Uncle Phil's house. Thank you guys so much for the great food and company. We love you!!