Sunday, September 20, 2009

Spaghetti for Me

My girls, Jenni and Lola

Today we celebrated my 31st birthday at the Roseland household. I hinted several times to Jenni that I've been wanting her home-made spaghetti and meatballs. So what better day than today, right?! This year was the first birthday I was actually planning on doing nothing. But Jenni insisted and this sounded perfect. Plus Jenni understands how important school is to me so I knew she wouldn't mind if I needed to cancel on her last minute. Thankfully I was able to get all my school stuff done so I could sit back and relax. The food was DELISH and as always the company was great! I couldn't have asked for a better birthday.

Yep that's the face of a 31 year old- OH BOY!
Enjoying me some wine. I needed it :)
Jenni even snuck 31 candles on my "Better than Sex" cake. Believe it or not Jearel actually baked this for me. It was pretty close to being better than sex too. SOOOOO GOOD!
I had to hold back my hair from the big ball of fire.

Blew them all out at once- Like a Pro!
The Creels... Candis, Camden, and Michael
Me and J
Me, J and little Jay. I love my family
Frank and Chrissy
The whole Swisher gang.
The host's, The Roseland family.

~Thank you so much to everyone who helped make my birthday so special~

Sarah, Vanessa, and Noah- I had so much fun drinking wine and cathcing up on Thursday. I always stay way too late and have way too much fun!! Thanks girls for my gift card, pizza, yummy dip, and my special birthday brownies. I love you girls.

The Creel's- It was good to see you guys today, especially Camden. Thank you for making the drive out and for my coffee bean jack pot!! I will enjoy that for sure! I love me some good coffee. And Candis the card was very sweet, it does feel like years.

The Swisher's- Thanks for kicking it like the old days. I know we don't get as much time together as we would like, but I love every moment we have. As always it is good to see the kids. Thank them again for my gift card ;).

The Roseland's- I don't even know where to begin. I can't thank you enough for this extra special birthday afternoon. Everything really was so perfect. We sure were missing Lola and Kyan. Jay had a blast with them today. I love you guys!

MOST OF ALL- Jearel and Jay- You two are my everything. How you put up with me I am not sure, but I am sure spoiled. Thank you for the shopping moola and the yummy cake. I love you both so very much.

Thank you to all my friends and family for the cards and sweet birthday messages that showered me all weekend long. I am very lucky to have such wonderful friends and family.

Love you all!


Jenni said...

I can take a hint pretty well!

Was glad that you were able to get all of your studying pretty close to done, your power point almost ready to go, and your paper written (however that might be!), so that you could enjoy your day!

It was so nice to see our girls and Kyan interact together! Remember how tired he was when we were upstairs working away on your blog? He ended up staying up and playing a game with Chad until 9!? Like father, like son - I swear, throw the kid a game and some daddy time and he is in!

Then Chad passed out almost as soon as his head hit the pillow - snore central last night, holy cow, he definitely had too much wine!

Wish those shoes woulda fit Jay - they will make a good gift I am sure for someone's little girl! Speaking of Jay - oh, how I love her! We miss spending our summer days lounging by your pool!

The cake - first, so sweet of Jearel to call to make sure that he could provide that one for you, he did a damn good job on that too! Second, he should bake more often! YUMMY!

Ok, I am rambling and have to go get ready for work!

Love you and glad that I could make your birthday so special!

Anonymous said...

looks like a really fun bday with everyone...glad u had a great time....

Smith Family said...

Happy late birthday!! Im glad you had a great day!! It looks like you had fun blowing out all those candles!! LOL!!

Jenni said...

how many times are you going to change your background today?! heehee, think this is the third one i have seen!

Candis said...

Glad you felt loved- those kind of Birthdays are the best, I think.

Sorry we didn't get to visit longer- we ended up getting to the Rosies' house around 11:30 (earlier than we planned.) We were all pretty worn out by the time we got home.

Feel free to take all that back & just load it on a gift card if you want! I just LOVE all the pumpkin stuff that comes out around this time- reminds me of Fall/Football season/& just overall good times. I'm a dork.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY again, & hope to see you longer next time.

Candis said...

By the way- I really like the new green background with the pretty flowers.
I spent all of 5 minutes on that font website earlier, & even found 1 I liked...but got bored & closed OUT of it! Maybe I'll try again when I have more patience. : )