Saturday, June 5, 2010

Jayla the Gymnast

While mommy was in school, Grandma Riley found something fun for Jayla to do. Grandma found this AWESOME place, Oasis Gym, and didn't hesitate to sign Jayla up for gymnastics class. The two of them would go every Monday. I had the privilege of going one Monday during my Spring Break, and nearing the end of her classes they hosted something called "The Beach Olympics", giving all kids a chance to show off their skills, to family and friends. Jayla learned some pretty interesting moves in her 10 weeks spent with Grandma and teacher Renee. Her legs even got that whole muscle tone going of a gymnast.

There are a 1000 pictures to tell the story, and I am so happy to say that Jayla will continue to attend gymnastics class with Grandma, while mommy is signing her up for dance classes (offered at the same place). When I was little (3 to 14 years old), I attended Langham Dance Studios (tap, jazz, & ballet), it wasn't until I cheered in high school that I got to learn some basic gymnastics skills. Anyway, long story short, I LOVED it and I loved being with my same friends/teachers for so long. Our plans are to keep Jayla enrolled at Oasis gym through high school :) (Jearel doesn't know this yet-HA).

Jayla receiving her gold medal after the "Beach Olympics"

Jayla and her little buddy, Ella. Ella, by far, was the best student in the class. I think Jayla would do better if she could learn to follow directions every time (we are working on this).
Handstands... Jayla has this down!!
Forward role... Jayla does these all over the house, successfully about 80% of the time. Other times, I swear she almost breaks her neck.
Teacher Renee, helping Jay in her handstand.
Back Flip!!

Ready, Set, JUMP!!
I guess the Olympics was too much pressure, Jayla needed the help of teacher Renee (this time) to JUMP, into the foam pit!


No FEAR! Jayla loves this stuff! It is a nail bitter for mommy, for sure!
She is so strong!
Flipping on her own :)
Here are pictures from the class I attended a few months back.

Looking back, Jayla has come so far.

Trampoline FUN!
There was a lot of chasing Jayla around, to help keep her focus in class. If I had to guess, Grandma got her work outs in too!

Jayla wanted to touch my toes, instead of hers. Silly girl!!

And she is off again!!!
Running and running, does anyone else have this problem?!
And we are back!
*thanks to my sister for the pictures*
Balance beam!

Jayla LOVES the foam pit!
I can't thank Grandma Riley enough for starting Jayla in this life long adventure. If it wasn't for you we would have never found this place. Also, this was such a great idea. I know we use to take Jayla to The Little Gym, but this is far more real, and something we are going to look forward to, for many years to come!
We love you!


Jenni said...

WOW! That place looks awesome!

I am glad that Jayla is having such a fantastic time and doing so well! Maybe we will see her in the Olympics in 14 years or so?!

Glad her and Grandma have a "thing" that they get to do together and that you get to join in on the fun when you get a chance!


Anonymous said...

LOVE it!!!! cant wait to take ree!!! she is to cute.....she looks like such a big girl on the platform!! Go Jay!.....then one day ree and jay can b cheering together like their mommies :)

Candis said...

I LOVE that it's a REAL gym, and she can burn so much energy! Good job to Grandma for finding that awesome place- Now I'm wondering if they have other locations??

I was in gymnastics most of my life & even competed around the state- it is SO good, physically & also mentally with the discipline aspect (that could never hurt our girls, huh?!)

Loved all the pictures, and it's crazy how much Jay looks like a big girl, just over the past few months. She is so pretty with her blond hair, blue eyes, & white little teeth!