Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Friday we headed up North to the Cinders. Those of you who don't know where that is, or even what that is, it is a beautiful camping area for off roading adventures. It is just outside of Flagstaff so the weather was nice and FREEZING the entire time we were there. This was Jayla's second camping trip. She did pretty good, but mama had a hard time with my over-protective personality. I was constantly on top of Jayla making sure she didn't get burned by the camp fire, or fall and bust her head open, or get stung by a bee. So as you can imagine, I was exhausted by the end of the trip.
I took over a 100 pics and wanted to post them all but thought I would by here all day with this post. ENJOY :)
These are Jayla's new riding goggles thanks to Grandma Riley. They are so cute, I LOVE the box. It was perfect for my little "PEE WEE" quad driver!
Packed up and ready to go. Mama's quad, Daddy's quad and Jayla's very first princess quad! This is just the beginning to her future.
Jayla went on lots of walks with daddy and mama.
She LOVES to be outside so this was like Disney Land for her.
The beautiful Cinders.
Breath-taking views on top of the hills.
Yep, I could build a house right in this spot!
Jay strapped down tight in her Grandma and Grandpa's Rhino. She loved it!
Jay and Maggie going on a ride.
Our family, well minus Maggie. She wasn't the biggest fan of the Rhino.
This was a good way to get Jayla to nap. She never wanted to sleep. I think she was afraid she would miss all the action.

Jayla's new thing is to show you her belly button. Just ask her where it is next time you see her.
It was so cute to see her in her very own camping chair. She was eating her donut hole. It is her new favorite thing to eat cause she thinks it is a ball that tastes good.
And this ball doesn't taste very good. But it is still her favorite toy. I can't take her into Target with out buying her another one. She starts SCREAMING "BALL" right when we walk in the door. I have created a monster, I know.
This was the only picture we got of her new goggles. She just would not keep them on. It was such a bummer cuz they were SO CUTE on.
Having fun with her crazy Daddy.
Making silly faces at everyone. She is so goofy!
Here she was screaming at the dogs. What for, I am not sure, but she must have learned that from me. HA!
My happy girl!!
She had to be just like her Mama and Daddy, drinking our favorite drink, Bud light.
(don't worry it was empty even though she likes the taste of it)
Monkey see monkey do.
Ha, nothing makes her more happy than an ice cold beer.
She even fell off her chair but saved her beer. That's our girl!!
Saved the beer and got right back up!!

She wrestles with Maggie. It is so cute. ~See Candis you need a dog for Camden ;)~
Getting on her quad and taking it for a ride. It didn't work like we hoped it would, so she had to stay on the turf.
She loves her quad!!
She was just chillin on her princess couch in the toy hauler. This may have been the only moment of peace, just a moment though.
Hanging with some of her favorite people, Grandma and Grandpa Riley.
She obviously didn't want to stop for a picture with Mama
This became our little play pen area, the back of my SUV. I was tired of running around with her. She would only stop to watch Blue's Clue's. She just loves BLUE.
I tried to get a picture of Jayla doing the cutest thing. She squats down, with her hands on her knees and calls the dogs over to her. She does this every time we get home. I LOVE IT!

~Thank you to Jearel's parents for a fun filled weekend. Jayla loves spending time with you and you guys always spoil her, as well as us. Thank you for all the YUMMY food, I am still thinking of that "special" desert. Thank you for letting us crash in your toy hauler. I definitely would not enjoy camping without a toilet. We love you both so very much.~


Anonymous said...

omg lv the goggles and the pink quad her buddy ree will have to def get a matching one so they can ride together....i am so bumbed we didnt get to go...we will have to plan smthn soon...b and jear havnt ever gotten to ride together yet...we will prob never see thm if they get out there tho lol...jay is to cute i lv her with the dogs i can already see hw avery is with ours and i lv it...

Jenni said...

Despite your overprotective momminess-you guys looked like you had a blast!

The beer can pictures are making me laugh out loud! Very funny, especially the one of her falling down to save the beer! HA!

Also, the one of her squatted over calling for the dogs is to die for! She is so funny!

The place you stayed was beautiful, but too cold for me! Glad you guys had a good trip! Keep those bags out - California here we come!

Four to Score said...

happy camping! yeah, those little quads don't work well in soft dirt or sand. jay looks like she was in heaven being outside like most kids. those little goggles are super cute, kylee would throw a fit if i even tried! yay for jearel getting away from work for a few days. maybe we'll join for the next cinders trip. ryan loves the cinders and i've never been.

Candis said...

Such cute pictures- it's impossible to comment on them all, but I love how happy she is in her little chair & in the air when Jearel throws her up like that! When Michael pulls that, Camden's arms & legs go STIFF & straight out like a SCARED CAT. HATES it, would be an under statement.

That's very cool that outdoors stuff/camping is your thing. Creels are more water people, I suppose. Camden is completely in her element in any body of water: bath, puddle, pool, whatever!

When Michael & I were 1st dating, we'd always go on a big camping trip with all the friends....and finally 1 year, we put in our "Notice" to never go again! We are the WORST tent pitchers (did I say that right) & campers EVER. The only good part for us was the "Afternoon Delight." (Can I say that on a blog?) hahhahaaaaaa

Nevertheless, glad you guys had fun! Jayla is seriously cuter than ever with that pretty hair of hers!

Candis said...

You inspired me to add Cambug's Middle name on my blog (I like how you do that with Jayla's)- since it's a part of them after all!
I loved my Grandma Edie more than anything (lost her when I was 19)--so every time I write it or say it, it makes me so happy!