Saturday, April 18, 2009

Being a Mommy

OK Candis I'm giving this a try. Thank you ;)

To all the Mommy's feel fry to give this a try. Post 5 things you love and 5 things you could do without when it comes to being a Mommy.

So here I go.

5 things I can do with out:

1. The whining/crying/screaming. I have anxiety that comes over me when Jayla cries or whines. I wish I knew how to better cope with this. For now I just give in and give Jayla whatever it is she wants. Yes I know this will bite me in the butt later on.

2. The never ending alarm clock around 6 am. I forgot what it is like to sleep as long as you wish. Now you have to keep in mind that I bartended for 9 years. I have never been a morning person and I am still trying to adjust. When do they start sleeping later?! ;)

3. NOGGIN!! That is all that plays on our big screen. Our DVR is even full of her favorite show from Noggin, "Jack's Big Music Show". It use to come on in the early mornings but now it comes on after she is asleep so daddy was nice enough to record them (like she would ever know the difference). This is sad and those of you mommy's that have not discovered it yet, you will in time. I know Jenni has my back on this.

4. Poopy diapers. I have such a sensitive nose as it is and you add a messy diaper to the mix-NOT GOOD. I am not sure if me gag reflux is getting better or worse. It seems the older Jay gets the stinkier her butt becomes. (She definitely gets this from her daddy)

5. Shopping with Jay. It use to be so much easier when she couldn't move. Now that she is walking, it is a nightmare. She tries to get out of the stroller and that brings on the screaming (refer back to #1). If you see me out in pubic, it is probably best you just ignore me. Dealing with HYPER Jay is a full time job. You would have thought we had a boy on our hands, I thought girls were suppose to be more mellow. YA RIGHT!!

5 things I LOVE and could NOT live without:

1. This may sound gross but I love the smell of Jay's feet. I could kiss them and smell them all day.

2. Coming home from school (If she is still awake). Normally daddy gets this, but she gets so excited and has the biggest smile. She greets me with big hugs, kisses and lots of giggles. This makes all the hard work of being a mommy feel so appreciated and you remember that this is what it is all about.

3. Jay's personality. She is such a goofball. She tries everything and anything to get a laugh out of daddy and me. I know she doesn't get this one from her daddy. Yep that's right we got a wild one (like mama) on our hands. Poor Jearel! My favorite is when I get her to "shake that booty"
She is a dancing machine when the music comes on. With her personality comes her ever so LOVEABLE laugh, that is so contagious.

4. Watching Jayla sleep. Ever since the day she was born I could sit there for hours and watch her. She is so beautiful to me and in these moments I get to take it all in. She looks so peaceful and innocent. I just want to protect her from everything and keep her safe like that forever.

5. Having Jearel as her daddy. He is such an amazing dad and I always knew he would be. He has so much patience for us both. My mom is always surprised at the stories I tell her. I just have to keep reminding her we are in the year 2009 and things have changed. But maybe they haven't changed so much. I know plenty of dads who don't do half as much as Jearel does. He has never hesitated when it comes to his girl. He bathes her every night, changes just as many poopy diapers, always feeds her dinner, and gives so much to our family. Without him things wouldn't be the same.


Candis said...

I loved it! Awesome post.

You're just like Michael with your gag relex at poopy diapers. I am so proud of him, because he has the single weakest stomach of anyone I've ever known (besides you!) hee hee

Jenni said...

Love your sweet words! You are an amazing mommy! Sorry about your scare today with Jay and her fall.

Four to Score said...

i hear ya sister on the public outings with a crazy toddler, kylee's a lost hope for now.

you're funny about the poopy diapers, usually hear that from guys.

i think you may in it for the long haul when it comes to screaming and whining and crying. it just gets louder, ha!

i wasn't sure if i wanted to do this post, but i'm thinking that maybe. just maybe...

Anonymous said...

great comp is gay or smthn i jst foud like 10 of candis blogs i didnt c either.....i agree with the poops....and the crying i hate it too....u are a great mommy....