Saturday, April 4, 2009


It's officially OFFICIAL!! Daddy and Mommy couldn't be any more proud of their baby girl! It started on Wednesday, April 1st. Yep that's right on April fool's day. We weren't fooled, Jayla was seriously walking!!

Jayla spent the whole day with Grandma Riley and when she came home, she was standing up all on her own and walking away. She has been taking steps here and there, on her own for awhile, but not like this. She walked clear across our living room just like a little professional. We had tears in our eyes and couldn't stop giggling with joy. It is truly crazy how fast Jayla is growing. I love her more and more with each and everyday.

Meanwhile as we watched her progress with these past few days, we realized we needed to grab this on video. She will be running before we know it! I unfortunately don't have the video uploaded to my computer to share. I need a little help from Jearel with that one. And then I may need a little help from Candis (again) to get it on my blog ;).

Keep your eyes out for it. You don't want to miss this. It is the cutest thing ever!! Okay, well at least Mommy and Daddy think so!!

~Don't worry Candis, I got your emailed saved, but I am calling you if I have any problems!~


Anonymous said...

yay how exciting!!...i cant wait to c her action!! i bet she is sooooo stinkin cute (like always):)

Four to Score said...

and the fun begins!!....she's gonna be everywhere you don't want her to be and nowhere that you do want her to be, ha!

congrats jayla. i bet you're happy to be up and at it.

Candis said...

I seriously got a KNOT in my throat reading this. I can't believe how fast the girls are growing? I love how sentimental you guys get (because you remind me so much of Michael & I.) We totally get EMO over everything Camden does!

Jenni said...

Time flies huh?! We are very proud of our best friend Jayla!