Saturday, July 4, 2009


Yesterday Jenni dropped off Lola bright and early so she could finish up some business. Jayla and I both were so excited to have her for the day. I was a bit nervous with Jay and the pinching issue, but to my surprise she has been mellowing out. She didn't do it at all yesterday and on our Mommy's day she only did it once. This is such a relief for me and I bet other mamas.

Jayla and Lola played and played. Jayla shared every single toy that she owned. It was so cute watching the two of them interact. They both followed each other everywhere and copied each other's every move. Jayla even ate bananas and cereal with milk. This NEVER happens. They both even went down for naps at the same time and woke up at the exact same time. Maybe twins wouldn't be so bad after all. ;)
~Thank you so much Jenni for letting us have Lo for the day. You know we would do it anytime for you.~


Four to Score said...

it's funny how all kids mimick other kids and do things that wouldn't do otherwise. like asking her to do something yourself isn't good enough, you know?

they look like they play so well together. i can't tell you how anxious i was for nolan to be big enough to sit up and play with kylee - what a relief it was!

i bet lola had so much fun!

Jenni said...

You were a lifesaver yesterday! There was no way I could have had success at that sale without you helping me out!

Glad Jay is not pinching so much and that they played so well together! Funny how Jay ate what Lola ate - we need to come to you more often to get Jay to start eating MORE!

Love that naptime was at the same time too! It won't be so bad when you have another, you will see, you make the schedules work to your advantage!

Thanks again for taking such good care of my baby!

Candis said...

I loved seeing them both yesterday, after WAYYY too long!
(And, so happy Jay gave Camden kisses instead of pinches!) heee heee

Anonymous said...

awe hw the following each other thts glad u girls had a great day :)