Sunday, July 12, 2009

Little Gym

Jayla is officially a member of the "Birds" at the little gym. Her mama was dragging butt to get her signed up after the trial class. We joined Miss Lo this past Friday and more Friday's to come. We are also hoping Lola will join us in play time on Mondays and Thursdays. I know it will be hard considering it is in the middle of their naps.

Jayla had a great time not following directions and doing her own thing. I on the other hand, got embarrassed that Jayla is the only baby running around while her mama sits in the circle, ALONE. I tried several times to bring her back to the circle, but that only brought on a screaming fit. I'm trying to convince daddy to take a Friday morning off so he can witness the chaos. My only rational excuse is that other babies have been doing this for awhile and in no time Jay will be a good little bird. Here's to hoping it is money well spent to teaching Jayla some structure in her life. Wish me luck ;).

Waiting for class to start.
Her favorite time is "exploration time" but then again she does this the whole time we are there!

Jay-Lo in the big circle!
After class, it's stamp time.
Jayla had stamps all over by the time we left. She followed these directions good.


Jenni said...

The more you go the better they do I swear! Give it time and she will be a listening "birdie"!

We are so glad that you are now joining us Friday mornings - only have 2 left before we have to switch to the Saturday morning class though, school will be starting way to soon!

Four to Score said...

at least she's having fun! you know how many times i've sat in the circle ALONE? kylee is a disaster and it's sometimes embarrassing. i used to use the same reasoning, she's the newbie. unfortunately for me, it's only fractionally better than a few months ago. my new reasoning is that she'll be way more independent than the rest, ha!

but she looks super cute, that counts, right?

Candis said...

Hee hee- I got a mental picture of you sitting in the circle ALONE! too much.
I always loved going with Jenni & Kyan, and then I felt like the ONLY one in the circle, while she ran around & danced!?
Now that I have a little one & even our own "Little Gym" sippy cup...we may have to join the club in the near future!
Loving Jay's piggys still! I would like to just get some type of hair piece in Camden's fro without her yanking it out & putting it in her mouth (top 2 teeth finally made their appearance, though!)

Anonymous said...

looks like she has fun..glad u got all joined! im sure she will b fine the more u go! good luck! xo

Candis said...

GOOD lookin' out for the hair bands! I may pick those up soon.

Yes- we had Camden's 1 yr pics done @ Kiddie Kandids, just at Babies 'R Us. I was a little worried they were going to look ghetto or cheap...but they turned out awesome! The girl worked so well with Camden & made her laugh, and they have these new shots called "Faces" that are more artistic/candid (our style.)
I'm going to have hers done every year for her B-Day & put them in her baby book. : )

Smith Family said...

All I could do was laugh reading your post!! LOL!! I wonder how Rian will be??? HA!