Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Splash Pad and Johnny Rockets

Jayla and I got an early invite from the Roseland family to DO SOMETHING. Options were swimming at our house or a splash pad. Since poor Jay gets to swim EVERY DAY, I thought she would like to get out of the house for once. It took Jenni and I a few stops before we decided to splash around at westgate. There are a few splash pads over by our house, but this ended up being the best bet. We even headed over to Johnny Rockets for an early lunch.

The pictures are in random order since Jenni was kind enough to post her pictures from the day for me.

Jayla sporting her chef hat at Johnny Rockets.
This lasted half of a second. She really wanted nothing to do with it!!
Jay's boyfriend, Kyan, wanted to push her to lunch.
He really is the perfect boyfriend. Such a little gentleman!!

Jay-Lo brewing up some trouble
Monkey See Monkey Do!!

Here are all the good pictures from my personal photographer~Jenni

I had to step in and help Jayla get really wet!! SHE LOVED IT!

Jenni captured my WILD CHILD running away from everyone.
I chased her down several times.
There she goes again.
I think I need a leash for this girl!
She thinks it is a silly game.
Letting Jayla get BLASTED.

Finally she gets the hang of this with out mommy's help.
Silly girls!!
Thank you to Jenni, Kyan, and Lola for a VERY fun morning. Jenni you never waste anytime at keeping the kids busy for the summer. I have you to thank for every fun thing we do. Jayla and I love you more than you will ever know!!! Also thanks again for the pictures. I think you should start charging me a fee ;).


Four to Score said...

looks like so much fun.

it's so hard for me to keep kylee in check. she runs everywhere that she shouldn't be, sound familiar? now with nolan walking i get to be in two different places at the same time. good thing there are two of me to go around ;-)

too bad you guys had to drive so many places, i think i would have been frustrated.

i think the johnny rockets hat is super cute!

ps - i hear i'll be seeing you and sarah friday night, yippie for girls night!

Anonymous said...

kids look like they had a blast...jay is a cutie...lv the pigtails

Candis said...

Jenni captured some great shots! Love the one of you holding her, & both of your faces (mainly, Jayla's guilty little smirk!)
Those dang hats are completely ridiculous & hilarious all at once.
1ST Pig tails for Jayla?? Can't wait 'til I can do more things with Camden's curly MOP!

To answer your blog question: I have kept journals since I was 8 years old, so yes- I wrote everything down during my entire pregnancy & delivery (well not during the surgery, but you get the idea!) Pretty good memory despite all those damn pain killers! : )

Jenni said...

We had such a fun day yesterday, despite the many parks we had to go to to finally get one that was acceptable - all part of our crazy adventures that it seems we have all the time, nothing is every easy!

You are welcome for the pictures - you guys are pretty easy to snap! Jayla is so full of personality that it doesn't take much! Plus, you were doing all the running around so I was just really sitting there watching (and snapping away)! Was the least I could do!

We always have fun with you girls, makes our summer that much better to have someone to share it with!
Thanks for going and DOING SOMETHING with us yesterday! HA! That was funny - but that is how it was!