Thursday, August 13, 2009

Our Healthy 18 Month Old

Wednesday was Jayla's 18 month well check and went like this:

Jayla was running around like a wild woman in the waiting area, she was making friends with all the other babies and kids. She also could finally climb on and off all the chairs like a big girl.

Here's our happy little monkey climbing up and down, up and down!!
For those of you who have not seen "the look", here it is!!

As always we were filled with nothing but good news. We have a very healthy little girl and have been very lucky that she has never had a cold, ear infection, flu...etc. Just that UTI. I know we need to count our blessings and knock on some wood.

Jayla's stats:

Weight: 24 lbs 12 oz (55th percentile)- Height: 32 & 1/2 inches(75th percentile) - Head: I forgot, but it was just average!! PHEW, those Garrett's have some big heads!

Jayla with the best pediatrician around, Dr. Cwick. She really loves him as he is always so good to her. Jay also loves all the nurses in the practice. She gets so happy to see them!
We were a bit worried about Jayla's eating habits and hyper-ness, but were reminded that we do have an 18 month old and to not expect anything different. Her doctor was also impressed with her speech, he said what she is doing is expected from a 2 year old (must be because her mama and daddy both talk a lot, HA!).

The best news about this visit is she is done with her immunization shots until she is 4 years old, all we will have to worry about is her yearly flu shot. WAHOOOOO!


Keri Garrett said...

Hard to believe she's 18 months already!

She's so cute and smart and just FUN!

Yep, those Garrett's sho nuff do have some big ole heads!

Jenni said...

What a happy camper at her doc's office! She looks like such a big girl!

Was so good to see you Thursday night! Call you in a lil bit to see when we can sneak away!

Anonymous said...

too her bow in the piggy.....healthy happy girl!

Candis said...

OHHHMYGOSHHH, she does the SAME exact "look" as YOU! You totally make that face! Too cute.
I always love your comments about the head, sister- totally relate. : )

I love that pink/white top on Jayla, & glad she is a healthy little Bee.