Wednesday, March 18, 2009

St. Padres Day

Miss Sarah and I
My brother Adam and me

Every year, on St. Patty's Day, I get together with friends and enjoy some ice cold green beer. Last year was the first year I missed out, on the fun at Padre Murphys. I didn't want to leave Jay at a month old. So as you can imagine I was even more excited when this St. Patty's Day rolled around. Jearel was stuck working the night at the bay, so he had to miss out on the festivities this year too. But thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Riley for taking Jay, I got to get out and let loose. It was also nice because I was able to convince my brother to go. He was a virgin to the huge event that Padres puts on for green day. He doesn't get out much and he has been down and out lately, so it was good to see him smiling and laughing all night. I am sure he had a good time, although I don't know how he is feeling this morning ;). I only got a few pics with my camera (hoping to steel some from Camille later).


Anonymous said...

steal away i got a ton of cute ones....had so much i miss goin out with u..we shuld have one nite a mo to go out least lol...oh and vegas soooon!!! u...gotta also get jay and ree together soon.... :)

Jenni said...

Looks and sounds like you had a blast!!!! It is nice to see your bro out and about with you, make me miss mine :)

Castle Family said...

Brings back memories ;) I used to work there...made soooo much money on St. Patty's day!! I haven't seen Adam (even pics) in forever. Tell him I say hello.